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I have cats that need homes - can you help?
We are a very small organization working out of our own home. We generally care for 20+ cats and while we wish to help all cats in need, we have limited resources and space. When adoptions occur and space becomes available, our next intakes are based on emergent need.
If you would like to bring the feral cat(s) you are caring for inside to integrate into your family, we are happy to help guide you through our process.
Ultimately, our goal is to create a sanctuary where no cat will be turned away. Until then, thank you for your kindness, patience, and understanding.
What is TNRH?Trap, neuter, rehome. Many TNR programs work to reduce feral cats populations by trapping, neutering and releasing them back outside. Studies have shown that this practice doesn’t necessarily reduce population size. Adoption does. Many feral cats are capable of becoming wonderful friends and family members and deserve the opportunity at a life indoors. We work with feral cats and kittens on transitioning them to domestic living.
What groups do you partner with?We partner with local downtown Orlando TNR groups, intaking cats and kittens that are easily transitionable to indoor life. Often, we take kittens considered “aggressive” that other fosters don’t want to work with. Instead of being placed back outside, we patiently work with them until they are able to engage in normal interactions. Kittens that swat, hiss, and bite are fearful and need time to relax and gain trust. We have had numerous successful transitions from scared, biting balls of fright to playful, gentle, purr balls.
What is your adoption process?Our Adoption Process is outlined here.
There is a cat colony in my area that needs help with feeding - can you assist?We are a small organization with limited resources focused on the downtown Orlando area. We are currently feeding several colony cats in the SODO area and cannot take on additional groups.
There are cats in my area I would like to bring indoors - can you help?We are a small organization with limited resources focused on the downtown Orlando area. We do not trap ourselves. We can contact our trapping partners to attempt trapping, but cannot guarantee services.
What are your requirements for taking in a cat?Cats must be SNAP tested - this test include screening for FIV, FeLV, and FHW. We require cats to be healthy and safe before being introduced to other cats in our environment. Any veterinary paperwork is also requested. For domestic cats we ask they come with their favorite food, toys, and items with comforting smells. A monetary or supply donation is graciously thanked.
How many cats are currently in your care?The number is constantly changing. We care for anywhere between 8-25 cats at a time depending on intake and adoption rates.
Do all of the cats get along?Yes! Surprisingly, they do. There are a few that don't like each other, but they simply avoid interaction. There are no major fights, aggression, nor instances that cause concern. Contrary to popular belief, cats are social animals and the majority of them enjoy being around other cats.
How many litter boxes do you have?12-16 depending on intake numbers, quarantine situations, and cleaning days. Proper advice is the number of litter boxes should be the amount of cats you have, plus one, however nearing thirty boxes is a bit overwhelming!
Rumor is that you’re running for mayor of Orlando - is this true?Keep an eye out this fall for the answer.
I adore cats, but can’t adopt. How can I help support B4C?Food, litter, and monetary donations are always welcome! Find a list of our needs here.

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